LGPS Member Self-Service
My Pension is Dorset County Pension Fund's on-line member portal. It is a great place to view and update the accounts you hold with us.
My Pension is Dorset County Pension Fund's on-line member portal. It is a great place to view and update the accounts you hold with us.
If you are an active or deferred member, you can perform your own benefit calculations from the data held on your pension record, so that you can actively plan for your retirement. You are able to perform as many calculations as you wish and in future not have to wait for your annual benefit statement to arrive before finding out what you can expect to receive when you retire. You are also able to view and update your personal details, which includes changing your death grant expression of wish, if needed.
In Summary:
You will be able to change your home address, as well as being able to calculate the level of survivor's benefits payable upon your death, making it easier to manage your affairs.
In Summary:
To register go to the My Pension website: https://mypension.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk