Notification of cohabiting partner for survivor's pension form
An eligible cohabiting partner is someone of either opposite or same sex, whom you have lived with continuously for at least 2 years prior to the date of signing this form.
As well as this, your cohabiting person must also satisfy the following conditions; ยท
- Either your cohabiting partner is financially dependant on you as the high earner or you are financially interdependent meaning that you rely on your joint finances to support your standard of living. This doesn't mean that you need to be contributing equally
- You and your co-habiting partner have been living together as if you were husband and wife, or civil partners
- Both you and your cohabiting partner are and have been, free to marry each other or enter into a civil partnership with each other
- Neither you or your cohabiting partner have been living with someone else as if you / they were husband / wife / civil partner. Before completing this form, please read the notes thoroughly.